Thursday, March 15, 2012

It Was Unbelievable!!!

I'm at City Park. I was walking with my good friend Tom. We was talking about what we was going to do later on. We was close to walking out of the area. We took another step and we heard a gun shot. We was so scared we didn't know what to do. We didn't know whether to run or not move at all. So I just stood there and just look at what happened. I saw a guy running with a gun in his hand. I saw the person bleeding basically to death on the floor. It was a women. She had a son that looked about 2 years old.I called 911 asap. I ran to the lady to see if she still had a pulse. And she did. But by the time the ambulance came it was to late. She didn't have a pulse. It was sad to know that a 2 year old kid had lost his mom at a very young age. She looked about 30 years old. She was still young and had a life ahead of her. I went to her funeral that week and saw her son. It was horrible. Even though I didn't know her It was sad to see a kid go through this. And the next day the same guy that shot that women was on the news. He was arrested for 1st degree murder. He had a record of murders. But I didn't really understand why he wasn't sentenced to life in JAIL.


  1. Is this a true story??? If so, I am so sorry you had to go through that.

  2. Never mind. I feel dumb. I posted that photo to write a story about, didn't I? Very convincing! You had me fooled!
