Friday, April 8, 2011

This is my #1 bestie in the world. I love you so much. You are kewl and real and I can always rely on you. There's no one better then you. Well Breanna too. But either way your the best. I don't know what I would do without you guys. We've been friends since 4th grade. That's a long time. And to still be together and even closer makes it way better because now we know each other even more. You are my closest friend ever. I had the longest friendship with you. 10/10/07 ^^ always will be there. You are my everything and you already know that because I tell you so many times. <3 :)
   These are my 2 main bestieszz in the world. I love them so much. Without them I think I wouldn't be the person that I am today. You guys always bring my inner person out. You guys always see the real me. Jazmin your my #1 and Breanna you already know that your my #2. I love you guys so much. Everyday we might say that we annoy each other but at the end of the day we always have fun and still love each other. You guys are the best. I would never find any friends like you guys any where else. 3/3/11 ^^ always. We will always be together till the end of time. Love yah so much <3 :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

   This is my best friend/ Sister. She is my #2. I love her so much. At times she can be annoying and play around to much but I still love her to death. She's fun and real and you can rely on her at anytime. She's the best person you can ever meet. She always be so active that she would even grab you to do what she wants to do. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BREANNA TAFORO. :)


Umm excuse me,  I don't think so. I don't know who you think you are to be asking me this but you ain't getting nothing from me. I'm not gonna let some pervert ask me to see a nude picture of me just because you feel like it OK. So you better not talk to me and leave me the Heck alone because if you don't I will call the cops on you. You are one fresh dirty man you know that. Don't ever try to contact me ever again you Pervert. Also if you think I'm crazy enough to do that well you got that information wrong because you are not gonna see anything of me ever again. SO GOOD BYE YOU LOOSER.