Saturday, November 13, 2010

Want To Express Myself

I don't know what to do when your not there. When I see you there my heart pounds a million times. When I see you I don't know if I should smile or just look at you then walk away. I'm not a type of girl that say's everything off her mind. Sometimes I just have to say everything to myself or just write it down. I always wanted to tell you how I feel. I always wanted to be able to tell you everything that I say about you but in a (Good Way). I know I want to be able to express myelf to everyone. It's just so difficult. I feel like if I say something that it might come out the wrong way. Or maybe sometimes I just don't know what to say. I'm sorry to everyone that I couldn't say everything I wanted to say to you guys but it's that I just don't know how or why. Just cuz I don't say anything to you it doesn't me that I don't like you cuz trust me if I wasn't so shy I would of told everyone everything. I just want to be able to express myself to anyone especially you.

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