Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fact & Fiction about 9/11

3 Facts

1.) The attack happened on September 11, 2001. It was so devastating to see what had happened to those in danger and those who had their life taken away from them.

2.)Bin Laden was the one who planned the attack. He probably attacked the twin towers because he was jealous of us because we was better then them.

3.)This tradgedy had happened 10 years ago. It is very sad to look back at this and hear about these people's live been taken away from them. :(

3 Fiction

1.)In the twin tower buildings only 5 people died in that whole thing. Thank god not everybody died.

2.)The person who highjacked the plane got wasted because he was so happy to crash into the building so he got drunk and fell a sleep while flying the plane.

3.)During 9/11 when it was happening and while people were dying no one came to help to rescue them so they all died.

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